sábado, enero 27, 2007


Desde la frialdad de mi celda, observo las noticias hace un par de dias que se comenta mi caso. Tampoco no es nada excepcional, si hubiera sido al revés no se hubiera ni mencionado. Suerte o desgracia espero que muchas otras mujeres sigan mis pasos.

Solo son palabras necias lo que dicen, no sabian lo que pasaba,¿ que era un matrimonio normal? ¿eran normales los moratones en mi cara? ¿ las continuas vegaciones? Acaso me tenia que dejar pisotear por un hombre, que ni siquiera tiene la propia frialdad de afrontar los problemas de cara. ¡No! él era lo bastante valiente, para llegar a casa, y con su borrachera, pegar a su mujer, decirle de todo... si un matrimonio de lo más normal.

Malditas palabras que juzgan lo que no se puede juzgar y que dicen lo que no se puede decir sin sentir. 67 mujeres murieron el año pasado, claro yo tendria que haber hecho lo mismo, dejarme matar. Soy solo una mujer! Mierda de comentario machista! Eso era lo que era él un machista que le encantaba pibonearse de su superiodidad. Si ahora estuviera me reiria de él... ¿quien esta vivo?

Sus mentiras y sus ramos de rosas, perdona mi amor, idiota de mí que le creía, cuando solo era un cretino más. Quizas en ese momento me tendria que haver dado cuenta y ahver cogido el cuchillo y clavarselo en el cuello.

Son las 12, ahora deben de estar deslizando su ataúd a un agujero negro, ojala se pudra allí y los gusanos se coman toda su carne. No me arrepinto de ha verle matado, aunque en las noticias digan que soy una mala madre, un mal ejemplo para la sociedad ya todo me es indiferente, he roto mis cadenas. Ya no tengo que preocuparme de mis actos, ya no lloró, no ya no!

domingo, enero 07, 2007

a JoKe

Monica: Hello, Rose I think we can do the theraping here in the park.
Rose: I like it, but I’m nervous because I don’t like people. They say bad things about it and the other people believe it
Monica: you have a problem…Why are you afraid?
Rose: I’m not afraid, I’m nervous, because the people things about me.
Monica: ok, but they can’t think bad things because you’re with your psychiatrist.
Rose: all right you’re a lovely person.
Monica: Are all the things right in your house or in the high school?
Rose: well…in my house my father and my mother are all the day fighting, but it’s normally because they work in the entrepise. In the high school…I have the same problems, the incomprehension of my friends, but the marks are good.
Monica: Are your friends beautiful?
Rose: yes, Ellen is very pretty, Patty has pretty hair and Lisa has blue eyes and all of them are thin.
Monica: do you have a photo in here?
Rose: no…I don’t but I’m flat and I like this group of friend.
Monica: Do they anything of your weight?
Rose: no, but they think I am fat, I’m not a stupid person, they would like to have a thing friend not a morse.
Monica: What did you eat today?
Rose: an apple
Monica: Anything else? A iogurt or a piece of fruit?
Rose: no just an apple…oh! Yes a carrot but not all half of it.
Monica: you have a problem do you know?
Rose: I don’t have a problem, but my parents think I’m ill they think I have one of this stupid illness.
Monica: But your parents are worried. Do you like it?
Rose: my parents aren’t worried .they are stupid
Monica: ok. They are stupid.
Rose: I didn’t say stupid…I say stupid but it‘s wrong.
Monica: ok, they aren’t stupid. It’s wrong .What are your parents?
Rose: My parents are good parents.
Monica: all right. Do your grandparents live with you?.
Rose: yes, but only my grandmother because, his husband died five years ago.
Monica (smile): Is your grandmother happy?
Rose: yes, because she lives with us and it was a dream for her
Monica: One of her dreams is living with you?
Rose: no, it isn’t, didn’t like residence (laugh)
Monica: do you have a boyfriend?
Rose: why do you want to have this information?
Monica: it’s psychology;
Rose: yes I do his name George
Monica: Is he happy?
Rose: Yes, he says "I’m very happy with you" but I remember the first time I spoke to him he said "you’re a little fat, but you’re pretty"
Monica: did he say fat?
Rose: Yes, because I begin to be on a diet, because I’m in a group of dance and I would to be a little thinner.
Monica: When you dance does he see you?
Rose: yes, he is in the same group of dance as me.
Monica: my mother says to me.
You can change your life,
You can change your clothes,
You can change your mind,
But you can’t change what you are like.
Rose: It’s pretty, George said me: Never change the way you are
Monica: He‘s worried.
Rose: he isn’t worried, he‘s happy, he loves me.
Monica: you have anorexia…
Rose: I don’t have anorexia and don’t piss me of!!!!
Monica: you have anorexia.
Rose: I don’t have anorexia ok?!?!
Monica: I’m not sure, you only eat a piece of fruit an half of carrot.
Rose:I am on a diet, for dinner I eat a bowl of corn flakes with an orange.
Monica: Can you give me this paper? I would like to read the diet.
Rose: I don’t have it here (crying).
Monica (L she takes off the mask) this a joke grandchild, because I’m very worried and your parents too, we would like eat to you more, ok?
Rose: Ok, but you can’t change me, I like my life.
Monica: You’re demanding, we love you.
Rose: Really? Are you worried?
Monica: Yes, (laugh) you don’t remember, you were so little when your cousin was admitted in hospital, the reason was anorexia. Alexia was with one group of friends and they were anorexia, she decided not to eat.
Rose: I as well four years old, I went to see her and she was very thin.
Monica: Ok, do you understand me?
Rose: Yes, you don’t want another anorexia grandchild.
Monica: Yes you’re right. (Smile) you’re me sunshine of my life. I would like to die when
You are not worried about your weight.
Rose: But grandmother, I’m not anorexic.
Monica: I don’t know this. But I know you have a boyfriend.
Rose :( laugh) this’s our secret ok?
Monica:(thinks)ok but promise me you all eat a little more ok?